Summary of the Teachings of Holy Quraan

1 year ago

Summary of the Teachings of Holy Quraan
The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the proof of the Nubuwwah of the Holy Prophet (S). It is the main source of Islamic laws and education. The Holy Quran consists of the words of the Almighty Allah and the knowledge descended to the Holy Prophet (S) from the source of Glory and the Position of Divinity and Magnificence through the path of prosperity is shown to man. The Holy Quran presents the human world with a series of practical and scientific matters, through which man attains prosperity in this world and the world Hereafter. The Holy Quran gradually descended to the Holy Prophet (S) during the twenty-three years of his call and invitation to Islam and responded to the needs of human society. In its statements, the Holy Quran only aims to lead people to prosperity. It teaches rightful beliefs, praiseworthy ethics, and decent deeds, all of which are the pillars of the prosperity of man and human society. The Holy Quran has described Islamic sciences in brief. For further details, specifically for the explanation of jurisprudential matters, the Holy Quran directs the people to Nubuwwah, as the Holy Quran states: “…And We have revealed to you the Reminder that you may make clear to men what has been revealed to them… (16:44).” “And We have not revealed to you the Book except that you may make clear to them that about which they differ… (16:64).” Without inviting the people to follow blindly, the Holy Quran talks to them in their ordinary language and Allah-given logic. It reminds them of a series of known facts that man perceives willy-nilly through his nature. It mentions that man can never avoid accepting and admitting them. The Almighty Allah states: “Most surely it is a decisive word, and it is no joke (86:13 -14).” As far as the scope of its logic is concerned, the matters stated by the Holy Quran are valid and everlasting for all the times and all the people. They are not like people’s ordinary remarks which are judged from only a few points of view within the limited capacity of knowledge and thinking and which can be neglected and disregarded due to other factors of negligence and lack of care. The Holy Quran is the “Word of the Almighty Allah” which encompasses every apparent and hidden aspect and is aware of every good intention and mischief. Therefore, it is incumbent upon every Muslim to use his realistic views, to remember this holy Ayah and consider the “Word of Allah” as enduring and everlasting. He must not be convinced by what others have perceived and said. He must not keep himself dependent on free thinking, which is man’s only special virtue and whose use is emphasized by the Holy Quran. This is because the Holy Book of Allah is a decisive document and an enduring reason for all times and all the people.

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