Talk On 'Diagnosing Whiteness' Explains That Whites Are Psychopaths

4 months ago

Saira Rao, New York Times bestseller and co-author of "White Women: Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How to Do Better," warned us all back in 2022: “White people wake up every day and choose violence.” We're not at all shocked that this presentation took place at a university, and it was probably funded by a federal grant to the school's DEI department. You've noticed that racists have stopped accusing people of being white. That turned people off. So instead they invented "whiteness," which can include "white-adjacent" groups like Asian Americans. Whiteness informs everything white people do and believe and it's built into our country: the government, the justice system, universities … everything.

Here's some video from Young America's Foundation of Dante White telling students at UC San Francisco "I think whites are psychopathic." UCSF invited Dante King to speak on "Diagnosing Whiteness." He claims that "whites are psychopaths" and that white people "have it written in the law you can rape black women." He also makes excuses for black teenagers who commit violent crimes. This is the modern university. Parents pay for their kids to listen to this crap? Posting for public enjoyment: "Dante is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medical Education, in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science." -- For the price of $1295, a white person can pay Dante King to explain to them in greater detail why they’re the most evil, malicious, creatures on planet earth.

A lot of racism going around right now and it's coming from the black liberal community. This is the exact same thing as inviting some KKK leader in to talk about why black Americans are inferior. No better, no worse. Just the same. It's idiocy to sit there and listen to that. These "workshops" are right out of communist reeducation camps, and ultimately will be just as deadly if allowed to proliferate. If you don't think so, just listen to Julius Malema's speeches in South Africa. Last fall Mayo Clinic paid this guy and Robin DiAngelo to run a course on “Developing Anti-Racism Leadership Competencies to Achieve Inclusive Practices and Health Equity.”

• More at: Twitchy - Talk on ‘Diagnosing Whiteness’ Explains That Whites Are Psychopaths

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