Cannabis Elite Attempt to Force Hemp Industry In MD Into State Regulation - Crooked Legal Tactics

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social equity is real, But the way Equity is being used in Cannabis is simply to blind the naive, muzzle the majority and suffice the minority. . . it isn't seeking to help anybody. The Hemp Industry in MD not too long ago took on a lawsuit against Maryland. If you want evidence that the Industry, The Industrial Cannabis "elite" who were far from grandfathered in, they have decided the Hemp Industries Legal THC products derived from Hemp & the lesser restrictions on Hemp research will Effect their Billion Dollar annual revenue streams. Therefore these hemp businesses have sought to pursue those attempting to make them hede state Regulation when state regulation is breaking Federal Law, while simultaneously asking that they stop avoiding federal law and and abide by Marylands Cannabis Code. what's that mean? lots of money that These Hemp Farms don't have. . . it's disgusting. . . . and it's coming to a state near you social equity is real, But the way Equity is being used in Cannabis is simply to blind the naive, muzzle the majority and suffice the minority. . . it isn't seeking to help anybody. advoc8 always meduc8 Daily Don't break the law while your breaking the law

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