Jochen Anschutz presents Anschutz 1782 Rifle in 300 Win Mag - at Shot Show

1 year ago
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Jochen Anschutz presents Anschutz 1782 Rifle in 300 Win Mag - at Shot Show

Available is the caliber .300 Win. Mag. in Anschutz hunting model 1782, which Anschutz successfully introduced worldwide in 2019. The models of the 1782 series are extremely reliable hunting companions that inspire in terms of precision, trigger behavior, silky smooth bolt movement and the quality of workmanship at the highest level.

Before a 1782 leaves Anschutz factory in Ulm, each barreled action is tested for precision and safety; then the repeater receives the official proof mark. But before that, Anschutz have already manufactured the 1782 so precisely and assembled with such meticulousness that we can give every rifle a guarantee on its way to the buyer - the ANSCHÜTZ precision guarantee! It means: Three shots fired in succession are no more than 28 mm apart. The decisive addition that makes the guarantee so valuable: The 28 mm are "enclosed". In other words: The outer edges of the hits on the target are no further than 28 mm apart from each other!

If you need to build gun part or part by part entire guns we have complete gun manuals and blueprints for you at:
Some of the manufacturers that presenting are: Anschutz, AMT, Arisaka, Arizmendi & Goenaga, Arizmendi Francisco, Arrizabalaga, Arsenal, Astra Arms, Astra-Unceta, B. Searcy, Barrett, Bayard, Becker & Hollander, Benelli, Benjamin, Beretta, Bergara, Bernardelli, Bersa, Blaser, Browning, Budischowsky, Bushmaster, Caracal, Carcano, CETME, Charles Daly, Chiappa, Clayco, Cobray, CZ, Darne, Dreyse, Drulov, DWM, Echasa, Eddystone, EMF, Enfield, Erma Werke, FEG, FIE, Fiocchi, FN, FNH, Glenfield, Glisenti, Glock, Grendel, Grulla, Guerini, Gustloff, H&K, H&R 1871, HAFDASA, Heckler & Koch, Henry, Heym, High Standard, Hi-Point, Holland, Hotchkiss, Howa, Huglu, Husqvarna, IMBEL, IMI, Ingram, Inland, Intratec, Irwindale Arms, Jarmann, Kahr, Kalashnikov, Kassnar, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Kongsberg, Korriphila, Korth, KRICO, Krieghoff , Krnka, Kropatschek, Lanber, Laurona, Lefaucheux, Lignose, Lithgow, Llama, Luger, LWRC, Madsen, Magnum Research, Manroy, Manufrance, Manurhin, Marocchi, Mauser, Maxim, Mendoza, Merkel, Merrill, Miroku, Mossberg, Musgrave, Nagant, Nambu, Norica, Norinco, Nosler, Orbea Hermanos, Ortgies, OWA, OWG, Parker, Perazzi, Pieper, Pietta, Providence Tool, Reck, Remington, Reunies, Rheinmetall, Oviedo, Numrich Arms, Oberland Arms, Ohio Ordnance Works, Nemesis Arms, Nesika, Neumann, New Haven, New Ultra Light, NightHawk Custom, Norconia, Nordenfelt Guns & Ammo Co., Nordic Components, Metro Arms Corporation, Meyers, MG Industries, Michigan Armament, Micor Defense, Midland Arms Company, Midland Rifle Company, MIL Inc., Milbro, Military Armament Corporation, Rock Island Armory, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Pistol Manufacturing, Rock River Arms, Roessler Waffen, Rogers & Spencer, Rohm RG, Rohrbaugh, Rollin White Arms, Ross, Ross Rifle, Rossi, Rottweil, Fazakerley, Royal Small Arms Factory, RSAF, RPA International, RPB Industries, Ruby, Gastelurrutia, Ruger, Rupertus Jacob, RWS, S.A.C.M., S.I.A.C.E., SIACE, S.P.S., SAB, Societa Armi Brescanie, Sabatti, Sabre, Saco, Safari Arms, Safety Harbor, Safran, SAG, Sage, SAGEM, Saiga, Sako, Santiago Salaberin, Sarasqueta, Sardius, Sarriugarte Francisco, Sarsilmaz, Savage Arms, Savage Revolving Firearms, Saxhoj, Saxonia, SCCY, Schall, Schimel, Schmeisser, Schuerman Arms, Schwarzlose, Scotti, Scotti-Isotta Fraschini, SDM,

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