Savannah's Dream Trip l Walt Disney World & Universal l Orlando l Jamie's Dream Team - Feb 2024

1 year ago

Savannah's Dream Trip l Walt Disney World & Universal l Orlando l Jamie's Dream Team - Feb 2024 -

Savannah's trip to Orlando, FL to Walt Disney World, Universal and Sea World, she has brain cancer and came to Jamie's Dream Team with a dream.

Pictures from her dream trip is after the WPXI report.

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Local charity asking for help to send mother with terminal brain cancer to Disney World with her son

By Jess Shannon,
January 26, 2024 at 1:43 pm EST

Jamie’s Dream Team, a local charity organization, put up a Facebook post on Thursday urgently asking for help to send a young mother with terminal brain cancer to Walt Disney World with her son.

Savannah just spent her 23rd birthday at the hospital recovering from emergency brain surgery. The charity said she went to the ER with a headache, and following surgery, scans and tests, Savannah and her parents received devastating news.

She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma, a “very aggressive fast growing terminal brain cancer with a very poor prognosis,” Jamie’s Dream Team said in the post.

Savannah wants to spend all of her time with her 4-year-old son, Konnifer.

“She wants to make lasting memories with her family and treasure every moment she can,” the organization said.

Jamie’s Dream Team is now helping to send Savannah and her son to Walt Disney World. They added that the family has never traveled before and needs everything.

“Savannah starts radiation on February 6th and we are sending them in the next few days. We need our Army,” the organization said in a post.

They shared the following list on their post of what the family needs for their trip:

Flight miles
Hotel points/vacation-condo rental
Disney tickets
Luggage for 4
Gift cards
Baby shampoo
If you would like to donate, click the link below, click on the box that says donate and then drop down to where it says “all funds will be allocated toward SAVANNAH M’s DREAM”

Donate to Jamie's Dream Team:

Jamie’s Dream Team mission is to offer hope when there is little, to ease the burden caused by serious illness, injury, disability, trauma, or catastrophic events and to finally celebrate individual differences by acknowledging dreams as possibilities.
Purpose: The purpose of Jamie’s Dream Team is to provide assistance and/or make distributions to or on behalf of qualifying individuals who are handicapped, disabled, terminally ill, severely injured or suffering from a serious medical condition, disease, or trauma.

For more information about Jamie's Dream Team please got to or e-mail us at
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