Bull Terrier Merrily Jumps On Trampoline

6 years ago

They are the renowned viscous and bloodthirsty dogs engaged in fights to the death, they are the ones for whom the evening news channels very often promote stories of their indiscriminate attacks. The very name ‘Pitt bull’ strikes fear in the hearts of some.It is a fact - Pit Bull Terriers are branded with a heavy stigma.

Is this really so, or is it just a very badly targeted PR towards the Pit bull?

You can judge it for yourselves. In this heart throb of a video the Pit pooch is clearly head over heels for something that she seems to have discovered just recently – the trampoline. Just seeing her jumping around on it will make you feel the same overwhelming joy and passion for life as she does.

She is just acting weird with joy. With an outlandish smile on her face, our Pitt seems to be practicing for the doggy gymnastics. Someone should clearly tell her that her strong paws do not even need the trampoline.

She is not even a bit selfish with her experience. Half way through, and in several attempts, her entire body language seems to beckon her owners and friends to join her, as if to try out and witness for themselves the immense fulfilling satisfaction the weird looking elastic fabric can bring into your lives.

Did this beautiful happy canine match the image of the notorious ill natured Pit Bull every one is going on about? We did not even think so, not for a second.

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