Corrie Billie's Air Boat Rides and "Meat Head" the 13 ft. Alligator 2/9/24 Fl

1 year ago

25 % of Manatees are killed by outboard propellers, so many areas of the area can only use Airboats. Adult manatees are typically range from little guys to 10 feet long from snout to tail and weigh over a 1,000 pounds; however, they may grow to over 13 feet long and weigh more than 3,500 pounds, the mothers feed the little Manatee calves feed just behind the front flippers and in a couple of weeks go to feeding on sea grass. Their two fore limb flippers are used for steering movements and to hold vegetation while eating. A large, round, flattened paddle-shaped tail is used for swimming. Leave it to God to make such an interesting special creature. Here at "Corrie Billie's" you can often see "Meat Head" the 13-foot alligator. Naples, Florida February 9th, 2024,

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