Episode 1852: Inclusivism versus Exclusivism

4 months ago

In the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the teachings of Jesus Christ. One of the most well-known passages that contains this imagery is found in the Gospel of
Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!"
In this passage, Jesus is teaching about the importance of making wise choices in life. He contrasts two gates and two paths: the wide gate and broad road that lead to destruction (representing the way of sin and disobedience) and the small gate and narrow road that lead to life (representing the way of righteousness and obedience to God). Jesus emphasizes that the road to eternal life is narrow and relatively difficult to find, while the road to destruction is wide and easily accessible.

Jesus teachings requires commitment, self-discipline, and a willingness to go against the cultural norms and temptations of the world. It also highlights the seriousness of the choice individuals make regarding their eternal destiny.
Philippians 2:12 - St Paul
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved, (as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but much more now in my absence) with fear and trembling work out your salvation."
he is telling them to take their spiritual journey seriously, recognizing the weightiness of the task and the need for humility, obedience, and reverence in their relationship with God. It is a call to live out their faith in a manner that reflects their deep respect and awe for the divine mystery of salvation.
So if Christ says this and St Paul says this what is this narrow gate verses the wide gate. It’s the Inclusive and Exclusive theory of our faith. Don’t be so certain your included and live as if you are not.

I want you to listen to a priest discuss this matter in detail.
So now remember what St. Thomas Aquinas said “To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them." I hope that’s what I am doing.

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