just a chat :)

4 months ago

https://medi-cure.uk/free-energy-device-plans/ (scroll down for free energy devices)

During the EBS you will see really nasty stuff – Children being tortured by the rich and famous, religious leaders killing children at satanic ceremony’s, 14’ tall shapeshifting reptilians eating children, raping children and terrifying children for their adrenalized blood, known as “Adrenochrome” it costs $2.2 Billion USD a Ltr to buy, and I think it takes about 5,000 children to make a ltr (?) nasty nasty nasty….the child must be in a state of extreme agony and also extreme terror for this ‘Drug’ to have ‘value’.
The important thing to take away from all this, is that none of the children you will see during the EBS are in pain now, because they are all dead - its over now, its not happening anymore since 2019……all the kids are already re-born here again, or the ones saved have been treated in medbeds over the last 4years….don’t forget that this War was won over 4yrs ago……all the dead kids have been reincarnated here on the planet in the same way that everyone else who died has been reincarnated here on the planet – the children who were 4 in 2019 when the DUMBS were finished being cleared out, are now 8yrs old and have new lives after medbed care and treatment by the most skilled people in the universe, literally – when you find out what your soul family have been doing, you will cry, you do not, and cannot possibly understand the love they have for you, that type of emotion doesn’t even exist in a 3rd Density simulation, yes you can love and be loved here, but its not the same, at all. You will remember all this during the EMF when you get your memory’s back.
So what you will be viewing during the EBS, are historical crimes of which the perpetrators are all long executed and the victims who survived are now teenagers with new lives and new family’s……all this happened ages ago, you just never knew about because the media were owned by the perpetrators during the time-span this was going on, which was for 6,013 years in duration…..i keep getting upset writing this…..i can see what’s coming with such clarity that when I talk to literally ANYONE about any single aspect to this great awakening process, the fact that no one even has a single fukin clue about anything to do with it, and even the awake people I know are miles-away from grasping the enormity of all this, my eyes fill with moisture. Its like a child who really hurts themselves with boiling water as they didn’t realise hot water scolds, its that same naivety, just presenting in a grown-up. Its ‘Twilight Zone’ shit.

Big Love people :) hang in there : xxx

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