Actor-Tucker Asks Actor-Putin When Their AI (hivemind) Empire Will Start

7 months ago

Yes, I made the title more descriptive as to what is happening on "The Grand Chessboard." Like Musk, These to minions to the NWO are misleading the sheeple. You should realize that every November 11th is 11-11... it is Masonic and "remembers" (not the fallen nameless christian soldiers that the Freemasons called "zombies" durning WWII) the distruction of their old Atlantean Empire. Oh yes, Freemasons and Eastern-Star Luciferians every Nov. 11th gather around obelisks and arches to worship the ancient AI-run empire. Ha haa... you haven't figured this out yet? Well, time to put your Critical-thinking-cap on. Both of these actors know the New Atlantean AI Empire officially (but secrety) began on April 1st, 2020, and "Covid-19" was the first AI-run battle-plan to genocide sheeple. waky, waky, or remain wacky...
Oh, come-on... their worship of Old Atlantis AI was made into a song... You just didn't know what you were listening to...

Deceptionists, the both of them. Freemasons are destroying their old system because their Hivemind has already taken over:
This NWO is their "New Atlantis" as William Cooper exposed in 1993:

Putin is a brainchipped-Templar who had his children in Switzerland. That is the stronghold of the Templars... the freemasons.

Tucker(another brainchipped-Luciferian serving A.i.Lucifer) always has the backdrop of a dome behind him... that is the symbolic magnetic field that David LaPoint was brainchip-attacked into leaving:

These are two Freemasons puttin on a show. The NWO-AI World-Governance began secretly on April 1st, 2020: Study this cover-photo where the presidential seal was removed for just that day, it was back on the following day.

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