Maga Tips: Dealing with RINOs (No. 2)

1 year ago

Don't allow yourself to be marginalized by RINO politicians. Opposition to our wars does not make you a non-Patriot. Opposition to the current Hamas-Israeli conflict does not make you an anti-Semite or a supporter of terrorism. Here's the key language of a letter that I wrote to the Hernando County, FL Board of County Commissioners after these virtue signaling RINO politicians passed a unanimous resolution to support Israel in the current Middle East Conflict.

To the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners:

It is unconscionable for the Hernando Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to pass a resolution in support of ANY State other than the United States of America. The Gaza Strip, which is roughly the size of the city of Philadelphia, is the world's largest Concentration Camp. The people cannot leave, whether it be in times of peace or in times of war, and rumors of "humanitarian corridors" are nonsense. They are not "blocked by Hamas" as one board member suggested yesterday. They have never existed, period.

But don't take my word for it! Here is the the Rand Corporation's assessment of Israel's repetitive policy of "mowing the grass" in the Gaza Strip. Also, please note that the article appears to have been written by an analyst of the Jewish Faith, Raphael S. Cohen.

I would also ask who proposed this unconscionable resolution and who wrote it? My guess is that it was not written or conceived by anyone on the Hernando County BOCC and that, if we look around, we will find that similar resolutions, with almost the exact same language, can be found in other Florida Counties, regardless of whether they are controlled by "Republican" or "Democratic" majorities. Clearly, whenever and wherever war, genocide and oppression are concerned, our (s)elected Uniparty representatives, who refer to themselves as "leaders", are all in.

But let's not kid ourselves. The United States is no longer a Republic and was never a democracy. It is governed under a political system, which some have called "inverted totalitarianism" (ref: Sheldon Wolin). For simplicity, let's just call it the Deep State, in which our elections are fixed, from top to bottom, and there are no appreciable differences at any level, regardless of alleged political affiliations.

Meanwhile, as taxes go up and our national and local quality of life disintegrates, Uniparty Politicians at all levels continue to embrace the concept of "American Exceptionalism" and "full spectrum dominance" around the world. Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, General Electric, Boeing, Krupp-Thyssen and many other global corporations thank you, but I hope that the members of the Hernando County BOCC remember that what goes around, comes around. In the end, all of our kids and grandkids will pay for the legacy of our failed Republic, including yours.

I would also note that, with open borders, our wars are now coming home to our shores and quite frankly, I do not appreciate the fact that the BOCC would pass a resolution like this, which literally invites the wrath of a large number of illegal aliens from the very countries we have destroyed over the years. Undoubtedly, some of these will eventually make their way to Hernando County if they are not already here. Therefore, passing one-sided resolutions like this puts all of your constituents in danger.

Please do your job to try to make life in this county better and refrain from moronic resolutions in regard to foreign conflicts, about which, you are either ill-informed or have otherwise embraced cognitive dissonance as a means to enhance your political advancement.

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