Tucker Putin Analysis About China (By Lee Camp)

3 months ago

Ever heard of Zbigniew Brzezinski the Masonic Luciferian accredited with writing "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)?"

Lee Camp does not realize that Tucker, Putin and the CCP are just playing their assigned chessboard roles... anyone getting in front of a camera these days is brainchip-hivemind guided as to what to do and say for public consumption. The Sentient World Simulation is modelling reality and the main players are under Luciferian control so the outcome can be assured to the NWO genociding the sheeple and New Atlantean AI Empire rising.

The USA is set-up to be a fallen piece on the grand-chessboard if the American non-cUlt people cannot come to grips with the fact that Freemasons and Luciferians are left in their sneaky positions of authority running the politics, policing, military, education, emergency-services, universities, health-serviced, etc., .....
The corruption has being very obvious since the WTC was imploded with months of strategically installing thermite onto steel columns.

The non-sense of Masonic assassination of JFK is corruption that JFK was taken-out trying to remove from politics: https://ugetube.com/watch/jfk-the-speech-that-killed-him-anti-secret-societies-movement_38SqtUhTtCFxmtH.html

William Cooper warned: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M2AcNocaE9s7/
about the Luciferian takeover of the policing across America and everywhere else under the 5th Column: https://ugetube.com/watch/fifth-column-nazis-takeover-of-namerica-beyond-the-four-columns-of-templarland_8YCcAmwcgF3lKeD.html

source: https://rumble.com/v4cfe9u-live-tucker-talks-with-putin-yet-begs-for-war-with-china-and-much-more.html

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