Hello Texas!

1 year ago

My entry in "the America dream" cost me two boxes from a dumpster. And when that manufactured-dream (as designed) turns into a knight-mare of the Masonic 4 horsemen... I will be lucky to be able to crawl back to whence I came from.

The illegals are financed to become part of the Great American Trap.
Freemasons and Luciferians can still (these days) just sit-back (giggling within their brainchip-hivemind-army) while in their office chairs... holding positions of great authority to railroad the "American-trap" into completion.

I look back at William Cooper's efforts in 1993 to gain public-support from the sheople to stop the Freemasons from destroying the USA: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fJE1tWzCyVh7/
And I realize just how far away from calamity the sheeple need to come before even raising their heads from grazing that green, green grass of home.
The razor wire is up, but nobody to watch it and say "do not enter illegally."

Oh, we need those illegals to pay a fair day's work with a fair day's wage. The Luciferians are bringing law-breakers into the countries and then, housing, clothing and feeding the law-breakers and then expecting the law-breakers to be fair and not steal and thug their way through the country...
Sabotage from the Freemasons and Eastern-star minions in every position of authority... (Ha ha... They call themselves "human2.0" because they are in a brainchip-hivemind...) amazing that the goal of the cUlt is to extinct Homo sapiens, like Neanderthals(they were eradicated on purpose), and the Freemasons and Eastern-Star really believe that Homo capensis devils will provided them with immortality of their consciousness. A reward for not only sabotaging their country of birth, but to kill-off their own genetics by twisting it through AI into a new monster of spiritual-unworthiness. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gLYvEx4rR5Ef/
The RemnantLumanians are spiritual-failures who brainwash Freemasons to genocide humanity. Karen Hudes calls them Homo capensis: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PxPBJVDGqstO/ Brien Foerster calls them Paracas Cone-Heads: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KCDirj8CrBr5/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/B9fy1pYBe0fP/
So you see... The extinction of Homo sapiens is what Homo capensis wants... Freemasons are just their sheepdogs following whistle-commands.
Their probable-worlds will likely all collapse upon them where their is no worthy mankind genetics to support their existence.

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