Underwater Beaver Trapping Course - Part 1

10 months ago

This is the first installment of a four part series teaching how to trap beaver under the ice in winter, as taught by Ross Hinter. Each video begins by listing the topics that will be covered and has chapter markers to make finding the sections easier. A link will be presented at the end of each video linking to the next one. This video was recorded during an outdoor course offered by the Alberta Trappers Association.

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00:00 - Start
00:06 - Introduction
02:56 - Bubble Markers
03:30 - Use of Pex Pipe
05:03 - Trap Suspension
06:28 - Beaver Swim Depths
06:56 - Pex Pipe Probing
07:27 - Old and Young Segregation
07:36 - Beaver Mating Locations
08:12 - Entrance Hole Angles
10:16 - Importance Of Using Safeties
10:41 - Trigger Top Or Bottom?
11:43 - Belisle Conibear Strength
12:08 - Men Reading Instructions
12:34 - Trigger Notch Choice
14:02 - Pausing For Disturbances
14:34 - Trap Hanging Procedure
15:09 - Trigger Direction Choice
15:33 - Predominant Swim Direction
16:38 - Locations Animals Are Wary
17:33 - Beaver Garbage Handling
18:46 - Trap Hanging Continued
19:21 - 2 Strand Wire Hanging
19:45 - Hanging Stick Above Snow
20:00 - Falling Into Hole With Set
20:22 - Hints To Where Entrances Are
20:43 - Lodge Ramp Interpretation
21:08 - Testing For Ice Thickness
21:50 - Lodge Ramps Continued
23:07 - Bubble Indicators
23:25 - Marking Entrances Early
24:45 - Lodge Rennovations
25:06 - About Vent Holes
25:36 - Carnivore Lodge Attraction
26:16 - Summary Of Indicators
26:37 - Keeping Notes
27:49 - Determining Sex

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