Netanyahu rejected the Gaza peace deal to look out for himself!

7 months ago

A ceasefire and the return of all hostages was on the table for Benjamin Netanyahu to accept. He didn't, because power matters more.
Right, so it was predictable but Benjamin Netanyahu has of course rejected the ceasefire deal, because he won’t stop until total victory. But what does total victory look like really? Beating Hamas? He’s killed and injured almost 5% of the entire population of Gaza already, how many more are going to die, especially now almost the entire population is crammed into Rafah, more densely populated than ever before, with no escape, nowhere to go?
But even if he eliminates Hamas, with whatever the civilian price that costs, it’s a price we know he’s happy to pay, in both Palestinian lives and the lives of his own hostages, why should anyone think that is the end? For Netanyahu to agree to peace is for him, going to equal the end of his reign, because none of his hard right coalition partners will agree to keep the coalition going, unless Gaza is seized for Israel. Nothing less will satisfy the maniacs he’s got into bed with. He’ll never see power again thereafter, in fact the inside of a prison cell looks more likely, so he cannot afford for this war to ever end and if a wider escalation of violence in the Middle East is what it will take to stay in post, that’s what he'll do. Who’s going to stop him? Because right now, nobody seems interested in dealing with the most unstable, unhinged element in the Middle East today, which is Netanyahu and his government.
Right, so fundamentally the ceasefire deal proposed by Hamas has been dismissed by Netanyahu not because it was unreasonable, but because he is. In the words of US politician Rashida Tlaib, when debating yet another aid package to Israel, which thankfully Congress binned off – no wonder Genocide Joe had avoided them three times already - Netanyahu is a genocidal maniac. Who’d argue given the conduct of Israel over the last four months. We’re sick of seeing the lifeless bodies of children all over social media all for want of the world to get it’s act together and stop pandering to those doing the killing, let alone arming them as well.
Hamas literally just offered a deal whereby there would be a ceasefire and a return of all the hostages they hold and Netanyahu rejected it. I thought the whole point was to get the hostages back? It’s actually that point which is destroying him most of all politically in Israel because unlike him, most people in Israel place some value upon their own lives and the lives of their loved ones and have gone to significant lengths to raise this point with other world leaders – not their own, they’ve given up with that – but ones they hope can bring some pressure to bear, but of course that predicated on their being some global will to do that. Just in the last 24 hours it is being reported that the families of hostages still being held in Gaza have met and spoken with the leaders of France, Spain, the UK, Qatar and Portugal as a for instance, wasting their time with Sunak, but such is their plight and their desperation for a progressive way forward.

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