1 year ago

Unfortunately the Content Pre-Released in the Transcript I covered yesterday was NOT INCLUDED in this Interview. A very strange thing. There is no reason to believe the Transcripts were not legitimate. Is it possible that the contents were viewed as to Revealing or Controversial? Was it ORDERED to be Left Out? Part of a Separate Conversation?

It is Unfortunate, I really wanted to hear more on the subjects contained in the Transcript. But I would definitely understand that the Globalists would do whatever they could to suppress the release of those comments that exposed their Secret Control.

Hopefully more information on what is going on with that discrepancy will come out.
(I Have No Comment Yet. Just Watching Now)
At the 25 minute mark Putin Explains How the Soviet Union was INTENTIONALLY COLLAPSED With the Understand that the West Would Help in a Transformation into the Western Model.
This sounds like a casual reference to the Secret Agreement with the British American Establishment to Make Russia a Capitalistic Society, and to make America more Socialist.
(This is the True Reason the USA allowed Communist Ideals to Covertly Transform America in a Secret Stealth Attack. The Effects of this Policy should be Extremely Obvious to Everyone)
Putin was there in East Berlin working as a KGB Agent when the Berlin Wall came down. According to CIA Operative Steve R. Pieczenik himself, he and Henry Kissinger Recruited Putin into the Globalist Fold and Groomed him to Assume Power.
27 minute mark:
Lol. The West Elite were NOT Afraid of China. It was they themselves who helped establish Moa and his Revolution. And then later helped establish them as a Global Industrial Power. It was not really about Cheap Labor by Offshore Manufacturing. As always, it was about Cabal Evil Schemes and World Domination.
What Must be Understood about NATO is that Defending Against the USSR was never really it's primary PURPOSE. NATO Answers to Chatham House, the British Globalist Cabal. Project Gladio, the Establishment of the EU, the Club of Rome and the furtherance of the Creation of the Anglo-American New World Order. (I will be covering more on Chatham House in a video soon to follow)
38 minute mark:
The People Who are Elected to Run America are NOT the Ones who actually Dictate Policy. This goes beyond the Deep State to the Real Shot Callers: Chatham House...
NATO Rejection of working with Russia is completely consistent with Globalist Policy. Every Nation is to be Used as Puppets. Manipulated, Controlled, but never given Free Reign in World Affairs. True to that demand, Russia and China are Fully on Board with the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Policies. THIS ALONE PROVES WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD.
The United Nations is indeed a British Cabal Creation and a Member of Chatham House...
54 minute mark:
Lol. Yeah. De-Nazification. Putin Fails to Tell The Truth. It is NOT a Nazi Problem in Ukraine. IT IS AN ASHKE-NAZI PROBLEM
The Same Chabad Jewish Oligarchs control both Russia and Ukraine.
1 hour 13 minute mark.
Germany has been Prevented by NATO and the Anglo-American British Cabal from joining the BRICS Belt Road Alliance. They have Intentionally Destroyed the German Economy. Just like the Globalists are trying to Destroy the Economies of the Entire Western World. But Germany and the Entire EU are Puppets of Chatham House and NATO. German Leaders have No Problem Betraying their own people for their Globalist Masters.
Though Pipelines are still open from Russia to Germany and the EU, they have been Ordered Not To...
1 hour 18 minute mark:
The US Dollar has indeed been Weaponized Against the World. But it was not America that did this, but the British Controlled International Banksters. They Control the World Finance and Economy. Not America.
1 hour 22 minute mark:
China's Economic Woes prove that they are completely incompetent and undependable. Trust with running half the World's Currency is completely Insane. Why any Nation would ever trust them to begin with extremely ignorant. How they have fumbled on their unprecedented Belt Road Project and their Backstabbing Self Serving Duplicity should stand as a Clear Warning to every Nation.
For Putin to be unconcerned would be Ignorant. Even if things were going great, concern is Always Present. His response is of course just a public front. Propaganda.

More comments to follow. Check back...
February 9th, 2024 Posted 15 minutes ago
Vladimir Putin - Tucker Carlson
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