Paul Murphy - mini-show

7 months ago

This was going to be a try at nailing a slow version of 'Embers', but it just went into a mini-show. As it was only meant to be one song, one take, I didn't set the mix levels, and, having started off singing at the lower end of my register, with the guitar waaaayyy up, come the halfway mark I had no ears or throat left and I was singing in Braille. You might wanna lock your pets up before clicking 'play'.

There is alternate footage of this, with a slightly different sound mix, from the safety camera, but due to it being 4K the footage runs over 2 files/films.

Light and peace,
09 Feb 2024

'Embers' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 2024
'The Good Christian' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 2023, 2024
'Manhattan' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 1996, 2024
'I Want To Show You What Love Really Means' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 1997, 2024
'Where Does The Sun Go To At Night?' - words by Emily Murphy and music by Paul Murphy © 2023, 2024
'Bitter Realities' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 1996, 2024.

If you would like to buy my children a birthday card, many thanks - .


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