Tredeau Dont Make Canada Great again

3 months ago

Unaffordable housing
No rentals available
MAIDs murder highest ever

Medical malpractice 40 000 yr

Hospitals collapsing

Mental illness skyrocketing

Standard of living crashes

40% increase in food

Gas prices soar

Mass immigration 1 million a year

Highest international students ever leaving our students unable to get into programs

Pandemic of Homelessness

Education falls

Woke agenda and DI being pushed

Censorship of the media

Over 7 billion of foreign investors in Toronto

CCP has police stations in Canada

Standing ovation to a Nazi in parliament with a award ceremony

Giving millions to other countries while our citizens struggle to put food on the table

This clown is not only a liar. But insane like his buddy Biden. He clearly must have dementia also.

Freeland is Ukrainian and has ties to Nazi and works for WEF and karl Schwab.

We have politicians that work for a shadow government in the open and Justice is dead

Remember when Tredeau made a holiday out of the Native children church ordeal and took a holiday .Ghosted the natives invitation.

There are communities without safe drinking water.

What happened to the ring of fire huge plan. I saw the butcher reno project at Algoma to make new alloys. The plant is a nightmare 3rd world. Ppl die and get hurt weekly. The place had no wall and it was snowing insise. You had to shovel the snow inside the plant. The roof was missing. If this is how we are gonna run a country . Into the ground. Everyone is fucked

Get ready for a great depression.

Cut oil and gas production bc its not green. Ya that will end well.

Maybe go park ur electric car in the garage and hope it explodes at night and u burn in your sleep.

Dystopian society that cant see the facts.

Fossil fuel is a lie. Petroleum isnt made ftom fosils first off

C02 is the lowest in hostory. 0.4% at 0.2% all plant life dies. Fact
C02 is needed for plants to live.

Who wants to cut farming and end production of crops. Tredeau as part of WEF depopulation plan.

Who mandated the vaccine. Federal government. Then he lied and said he didnt. The courts accepted that lie.

If you vote Tredeau you are a psycopath and you are guilty of Treason

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