Putin is 100% Correct - When you know, you know (read description)

1 year ago

Those who think Russia/Putin are the "enemy" are sadly brainwashed and are extremely lazy people. Those people rely on their tell-a-vision to give them "the news", they need to understand what Stockholm Syndrome is. Russia never invaded Ukraine, firstly Ukraine has not registered its borders since 25.12.1991 The registration of Ukraine's borders as a sovereign state was not carried out at the UN. The Donbas was a Russian speaking region that was attacked by Nazis of the Asov battalion soon after the US/Soros deep-state colour revolution that carried out a coup d'tat in 2014. The deep-state would use the Ukraine as a pawn in a proxy war with Russia, why? Because the Khazarian-Nazi-Zionists have for a very long time wanted to destroy the Christian stronghold in Russia. The khazarians spearheaded the Bolshevik invasion of Russia in 1917 with the blessing of the City of London as that too was and still is Zionist. Putin finally got rid of the commies (Zionists are satanic communists) but Russia was wrongfully stained with the "red army-commie" label....this could not be further from the truth. The Zionists are the Commies, they were the Bolsheviks, they were the Nazis (NOT the regular German army), and they are extremely satanic. But the western media which is khazaraian/ashkenazi owned and controlled for years steered the narrative. The cabal have done this for years, the constant need for a "bogey-man". Look at Ireland, where did the IRA go in 2020? Think controlled opposition, evil greedy people will do anything for money, and power. The Ukraine was full of Nazis, "useless eaters" and "expendable containers" as the cabal calls us ordinary people. The Ukrainian people were brainwashed to hate Russia, but the US deep-state saw them as pawns on a chess board. US deep-state senator Lindsey Graham is on video/phone saying that fighting Russia with Ukrainians means no Americans die, how sweet, how considerate. Sadly many Ukrainians have poor memories as the Khazarian Bolsheviks slaughtered many Russians (including those in the Ukraine) by way of planned and enforced famine, as the Bolsheviks sold their wheat to the west. This killed millions, and what else did the Bolsheviks do...they built Kulags...(concentration camps), years later the Nazis followed the trend. Years later Israel created a Kulag so big it looks like a small state called Gaza. The zionists in the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION were ready for their turn having had built the FEMA camps....LUCKILY Killary Clinton lost the 2016 US Election and Donald J Trump won...now ask yourself why the cabal's Agenda 21 had to get pushed back to 2030? Russia had the Romanov family of the last Tzar executed. Now ask yourself why Putin handed a soccer ball to Trump in 2018. Ask yourself why Trump walked ahead of the Queen in 2018? Ask yourself why Russia is spearheading the BRICS nations, which is now much much larger as the weeks fly by. The US Dollar was disconnected from oil months ago by OPEC, it is now backed by Sweet FA so is technically a fraudulent financial instrument, and so is the British Pound as that is also tied to the US Dollar. The BRICS+ nations between them hold more than half of the global GDP and the US Dollar is being destroyed by Biden v2.x, an actor who is wearing a mask. The real Biden was given a funeral on 20 Jan 2021, as Trump was given an inauguration across the Potomac at Andrews Joint Forces Base. The UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION started in 1871 by the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, bringing it under British rule. This Act has since been reversed, which is why things are unfolding as they are. Russia and its vast Army have been busy saving the world from the darkness that most people were unaware of, ignorant of. 30+ countries militaries are working together to destroy evil, the fall of the cabal. If you wish to learn more then go to http://fallcabal.com and watch the multipart documentary The Fall of the Cabal and it's new Sequel. Produced by the wonderful Janet Ossebaard and Cynthia Koeter.

The real evil exists in Washington DC, City of London, The Vatican, Israel, Ukraine, and within the secret societies, the three letter agencies, UN, WEF, WHO, CFR, IMF, the satanic bloodline families and so on...the hidden enemy.

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