Inside the World Health Organization's Dangerous and Aggressive Power Grab with Dr. Kat Lindley

1 year ago

Dr. Jerome Corsi and Dr. Kat Lindley go in-depth on the World Health Organization's world Pandemic "Agreement." The WHO is seeking, thanks mainly to a complicit group of Western leaders, for undeniable control of the world amid what they deem as "health emergencies." The hook to gullible and accomplice nations would be to convince their populations the plan is about protecting people from the spread of another COVID-esque disease (or perhaps, the new political fad: Disease X). As we know their methods in the past were barely effective to worthless, so what's the big idea? Dr. Lindley and Dr. Corsi break down the plot and how it is all about gaining control: conceivably, under this pact (supported by Joe Biden) the WHO could call for lockdowns and strict rules under anything they call a "health emergency" and force compliance by setting up enforceable consequences for violating their potentially legal structure. Do we trust the WHO and UN to wield this power carefully? We do not think so. This is a Globalist's dream but a true nightmare for everyone else. There is quite a good chance the World Health Organization could claim "Climate Change" is public health emergency and turn their dangerous power on, penalizing the non-compliant in a similar fashion to the Chinese Communist Party's social credit score with imprisonment of political dissidents on the table.
Having said that, because this has been in the works for a while, the WHO and UN are farther along on the infrastructure of how such power will be used than you might think.
Dr. Lindley and Dr. Corsi break down what happened, where we are on this and how you can protect yourself from this destructive agenda

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