Article 4650 Video - International Public Notice: Misapplication of Law By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4650 Video - International Public Notice: Misapplication of Law - Thursday, February 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have reviewed a large number of examples of activities that indicate the presence of a deliberate, multi-generational, constructive fraud scheme used to create a foreign and repugnant caste system in our country. This caste system and the results of it are implemented and enforced via means of fraud.

Fraud vitiates everything it touches.

The essence of the fraud begins a few days or weeks after a baby is born, when, in this country, they are registered as U.S. Citizens and at the same time, intestate American Public Trusts named after them are put in place as "infant decedent estates" operated under the names of the victims by the Perpetrators of this scheme.

Undisclosed registration paperwork presented by Undeclared Foreign Agents at the hospitals is taken as a "pledge" of the baby by the Mother, but the nature of this transaction is deliberately left undisclosed to the Mother.

So we have an undisclosed registration process seeming to pledge a baby to the service of a foreign British Crown Corporation; this purported pledge and the resulting undisclosed citizenship obligation contract that goes with it is: (1) undisclosed to the Mother and (2) unconscionable to the baby.

It's fraud on the face of it, and it has served to condemn six generations of Americans to peonage and enslavement.

A completely similar process is used to promote this con game in every country that has been impacted.

This British Territorial fraud scheme has a second component built upon the first layer just described.

The second layer of the racket is a "Social Insurance" Scheme -- an insurance fraud that was initially promoted as a pension program for Federal workers.

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