Reintegrative Therapy Helps Heal Trauma | Michael Gasparro on The Dr J Show ep. 218

1 year ago

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Michael Gasparro is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in California. He is passionate about the intersection of faith and psychology. His clinical experience and practice emphasizes helping men who seek assistance in addressing their issues of same-sex attractions and obsessive compulsive disorder/scrupulosity in accordance with Catholic teaching. Michael trained for four years under the supervision of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr. in the “Reintegrative Therapy” method, which is an evidence-based approach shown to treat trauma memories and trigger spontaneous shifts in client’s sexual feelings as a result. He utilizes this expertise, among his other clinical training and influences, such as the work of Dr. Conrad Baars, in crafting counseling methods to best help clients who present with distress about same-sex attractions, obsessive compulsive disorder/scrupulosity, or other issues related to emotional health and wellbeing.
Michael serves regularly as a speaker/presenter, both in the United States and abroad, to therapy professionals, religious leaders, and various Catholic audiences, regarding his personal experience and clinical expertise. He is a regular guest on various Catholic media outlets such as "The Drew Mariani Show" and "Trending with Timmerie" on Relevant Radio and "Life on the Rock" on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Michael also serves on the board of directors for The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, and he is a clinical member of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association.

The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity:

Catholic Psychotherapy Association:

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr. on The Dr J Show:

Dr. Suzanne Baars on The Dr J Show:

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