Lunchtime Chats ep 159: The holographic nature of our reality and our sovereignty

1 year ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic notes:

2:15 reference to Alex Jones’s post on social; reference to Toltek master Azmine and Christina’s experience; the possibilities of creating a world we truly want; holographic reality and how we can explore & create
13:55 what happens when separation happens; reference to Alex and Joe Rogan’s interview; more about artificial intelligence; how infiltrated Is our hologram and AI to our reality
19:50 how much is AI infiltrating into our reality; what creates our reality is our perspective; what it means to be sovereign and how to be sovereign instead of abusing your power rather than power over flow; if we are enslaved or addicted to something, then you are no longer sovereign to that; addiction and fear are the 2 big things that affect our biosuits; AI triggering our addiction and fears and we make a choice to face it or become enslaved to that addiction or fear; current narratives of fear; stay focused on your dreams and what you want to bring to this world; Starseeds and lightworkers’ difference in values
31:52 programs that trigger addictions take your life force energy if you are not awake to the program; Starseeds and wayshowers to help course correct, reclaim sovereignty and create beauty; we are showing the world there is another way of living that is not within the program
35:07 about med bed technology; reference to disclosure movement narrative under control of forces that be; the agenda of disclosure movement- to prepare humanity for cosmic empire (still a interdimensional control system); reference to agreements between humanity and extraterrestrials; reference to technology trade agreements and giving up sovereignty.
42:30 importance of our internal value system; not getting caught up in crises and stay focused on our journey; making decisions based on our truth compass; the threshold where dream realm meets physical realm; the importance of keeping our lenses clear
50:36 what we focus on is very potent, it dictates how we be; when you change things, it changes the external-holographic reality; if sovereignty is a value for you, nothing can hijack your reality- you are the only one in charge of it; dreaming the world into being can bring creations of joy, beauty, etc
54:50 Christina’s example of walking a path of flow and exploration- doing things differently and being an example to others; wayshowers are rail roading narratives of control- we invest ways through it
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Lunchtime Chats is a weekly series by Lightbody Academy, where we personally guide others to unwind intuitive blind spots; bring healing and resolution to your lineage and ancestors; sharpen your inner compass and intuitive knowing; utilize dreamtime for personal healing and guidance; and cultivate an interconnected community around you.

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