A Refresher Talk on Political Islam

1 year ago

I would like to talk to you about political Islam and explain to you why the religion of Islam is of no concern to you unless you're a Muslim. But let's ask a more basic question, is there some way that we can use rational, fact-based reasoning on Islam? Because notice carefully that the current methods are very subjective. How do people learn about Islam? Well, they go to an expert and this expert hopefully is a Muslim and then they tell 'em what Islam is, but notice something, you get the answer about what Islam is, depending on who you ask, if you ask a Jihadist, you get one answer if you ask a professional engineer at work, you get another answer, so this method is subjective and I want to propose to you, that there is a completely objective way to answer all questions about Islam.

Now then, the most important question to ask about Islam is, what is Islam? No, it is not a religion found in the Quran, well, a little of that's true, but actually, Islam is a complete way of life, it is a complete civilization, it is a religion, it's a political system, it's a culture, it's a civilization and there's no act so small as a human being, that Islam doesn't have something to say about it.

So, what is Islam? Well, let's begin with what every Muslim knows, there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, this is called the Shahada and where do we find Allah? Well, we find Allah in the Quran, but there's something peculiar about the Quran, it does not contain enough information to practice the Five Pillars of Islam. However, there's a trapdoor built into the Quran and it's the 91 verses, that say that Muhammad is the perfect pattern of a divine life. [for the full transcript, go to www.politicalislam.com]

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