Cutting Through The Political Lies Behind Freemason Templar War

7 months ago

Dr. Sean Hross calls the Mystery School cUlt of secret societies the Pharaohnic Masters.

The Vatican is the Luciferian cUlt front to hide the ancient Homo capensis ancient pharaohs species who still live today and rule their minions and give them ancient technology to encourage them that they cannot lose a battle genociding the sheeple.

Zelensky is just another masonic puppet actor on the worlds stage of mis-directing the sheeple into killing each other. Wearing that necklace grands the Freemasons the authority to kill endless numbers of sheople that were not smart enough to serve their cUlt. It also enhances their magical spell to make horrible lies seem believable... for a while. Hitler's guide, Goebbels, preached that lies will always be discovered, the trick is to be long gone before that happens.

The trick for the sheople is to see the lie as it is spoken.

Have Homo sapiens matured to the point that we will not be brainwashed and hypnotized into killing each other?

We are still getting there, I hope more sooner than later.


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