TROPICS Unleashed: NASA's Small Satellite Squad Revolutionizes Storm Study 🛰️🌀

4 months ago

Delve into the heart of hurricanes with NASA's groundbreaking TROPICS mission! 🚀 Comprising a fleet of six small satellites, TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) utilizes cutting-edge technology to measure storm strength. 📡 Launched in June 2021, a test version, or pathfinder, precedes the full constellation set to launch in 2022. 🌐 Once in orbit, these nimble satellites will collaborate to deliver near-hourly microwave observations, unraveling the secrets of a storm's precipitation, temperature, and humidity. 🛰️🌧️ Join the journey as TROPICS transforms our understanding of tropical cyclones, unraveling the complexities and enhancing the accuracy of storm forecasting models. #TROPICSStudy #SmallSatellites #NASAStormObservation

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