1914 Lemon Cornmeal Tea Cakes

5 months ago

1914 Lemon Cornmeal Tea Cakes
A “Calendar of Dinners” with 615 Recipes
Marion Harris Neil
Sour Milk Tea Cakes
1 cupful cornmeal
2 cupfuls flour
4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
¼ cupful sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoonful baking soda
1½ cupfuls sour milk
1 teaspoonful salt
1 teaspoonful lemon extract
Beat up the eggs, add meal and milk and mix well, add flour, sugar, soda, and salt sifted together. Now add extract and Crisco, melted, and beat two minutes. Divide into Criscoed and floured gem pans and bake in moderate oven fifteen minutes. Sufficient for sixteen cakes.
Did we eat them? No
Would I make them again? No

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