Just Like Killing Chickens

11 months ago

A jihadi said that beheading Kafirs, non-Muslims, is like killing chickens so he has no remorse. And why would he feel nothing? Could it be that he believes that Kafirs are worse than animals? Allah says:

Koran 25:44 Do you think that most of them hear, or understand? They are just like animals; no, they are far worse.

The jihadi has the moral right to behead the Kafir. He is following Allah's commands:

Koran 8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, "I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the Kafirs' hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers!"

In the early Koran of Mecca, Allah condemns Kafirs to hell 146 times. Of these 146 condemnations, only 9 involve moral wrongs such as greed and lying. The other 137 times are because the Kafir did not think that Mohammed was the prophet of Allah. Kafirs reject Mohammed as a prophet and deny the Koran. Killing them by beheading is jihad. Raping them is jihad. The jihad advances Islam.

There are other chickens (cowards), as well. Chicken religious leaders do not stand up for persecuted Christians. There is a chicken media that does not tell the truth about Islam or criticize it. And there are chicken professors who do not teach the truth of the suffering in history caused by jihad over the last 1400 years.

We must stop being chicken cowards. We may have fear, but we must speak out. Only then can we prevent our civilization from being annihilated.

Like killing a chicken: Trauma Expert on Mission to Record ISIS Horror Stories, Don Snyder, 9/22/2015, FoxNews.com

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