Tailwind CSS Mouse-Tracking Glow Effect with JavaScript

1 year ago

In this Tailwind CSS tutorial, we'll explore how to add an interactive, mouse-tracking glow effect to web elements using just JavaScript and Tailwind CSS. This simple yet eye-catching effect will enhance the user experience on your webpage.


- Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Tailwind CSS installed in your project.

📕 Read the blog post: https://webcrunch.com/posts/mouse-tra...)
⚙️ Source code: https://github.com/justalever/tailwin...

00:00 - Video overview/Intro
00:26 - Project demo
01:14 - Project setup with Vite.js (https://vitejs.dev)
04:00 - Install Tailwind CSS
05:52 - Extending the default Tailwind CSS configuration
07:27 - Main HTML Structure
09:11 - Add custom glow overlay CSS
11:04 - Learn more about radial gradients
12:00 - Add a custom Tailwind CSS plugin and glow variants
15:34 - Add the JavaScript
20:40 - Add new glow variant classes to create the new effect
22:24 - Demo of the final product
24:42 - Limitations and gotchas with transform effects
26:00 - Please like and subscribe!


👋 I'm Andy Leverenz, a passionate product designer and developer. I love creating and sharing my knowledge through design, coding, and writing. Join me on my journey by checking out my blog, Web-Crunch (https://webcrunch.com), where I publish tutorials, articles, and the occasional vlog about design and development.

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