Editor Molly Hemingway Compares US Elections to Soviet Union in "Zuckerbucks" Congressional Hearing

4 months ago

Feb 7, 2024 -- "The American System Of Self-Governance Is Under Attack"

The American system of self-governance is under attack. Instead of an Election Fay where everyone votes at the same time, and with the same full set of information, votes are counted quickly, and everyone promptly knows and trusts the outcome, we now have lengthy election seasons that can last months prior to and even after Election Day.

The situation is so absurd that we have presidential and gubernatorial debates weeks after some people have already voted. Instead of having total security and a verifiable chain of custody for ballots being issued, cast, and counted, we flood addresses across the country with tens of millions of unsupervised mail-in ballots months ahead of elections, frequently to locations from which voters, if they're even alive, have long since moved.

Instead of having election administration that is rigorously nonpartisan and impartial under the law, we have allowed the private takeover of government election offices, by partisan oligarchs and their armies of activists who use those offices and their authorities to tilt the election towards favored candidates.

Instead of voters being able to vote for the candidate of their choice, powerful interests backed by wealthy oligarchs are working to remove the most popular candidate, and the ruling party's chief opponent, from the ballot in a move reminiscent of Soviet Russia.

Continued: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/02/07/mollie_hemingway_at_zuckerbucks_hearing_the_american_system_of_self-governance_is_under_attack.html


It's Not About The Left Or The Right, But What Is Right And What Is WRONG!






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