Heavy Metals & The Environment - The Hidden Toxins ǀ Nicki Shepherd

1 year ago

This talk is about environmental toxins and how they have such a profound effect on our health and wellbeing. Nicki will be providing ways we can assess our toxic burden, such as heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides and pathogens and eradicate these toxins in order to achieve better health and vitality.

Nicki discusses:

What is heavy metal toxicity?

How can I assess my toxic burden?

How can I reduce my exposure to toxins?

How can I recognise toxicity in myself or my patients?

What other environmental factors contribute to chronic fatigue?

Have you noticed that chronic fatigue is at epidemic levels and hardly anyone is sleeping well? Health Practitioners are reporting a spike in ‘mystery’ illnesses that are proving difficult to treat.

This talk focusses on some of the surprising contributors to this problem – issues that are largely ignored by our medical system.

We are being bombarded with toxins on a daily basis from our water, food, cosmetics, furniture, pesticides, cleaning products, medicines, even baby products.

There is a huge gap in our communities for much needed education on heavy metals and other environmental toxins. Now is the time to share our experience and knowledge of these important issues to help protect ourselves, our families and loved ones.

This is encouraging news for anyone with chronic inflammatory issues, auto-immune, fatigue, insomnia, skin issues, allergies, IBS, joint pain, neurological problems, fertility issues, anxiety and depression.


Website: www.detoxifyme.co.uk

Email: nickisheps@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickishepherd/


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Disclaimer: Fear-free Speakeasy (FFS) holds space for activities, events, and presentations. Responsibility for the content is that of the individual guest(s), and presenter(s) and not FFS as an organisation. If you decide to make contact with, take the advice of, or, use the products or services of, any presenter, guest, or fellow participant, it is your choice and it is your responsibility to have due diligence and do your own research. FFS hold no liability or responsibility. Any information provided here is not intended as medical advice.

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