freestyle Eminem diss 50% recording speed #9 of 2500

7 months ago

right now my voice is sounding a little bit nasally because I record at 50% recording speed and then I speed it back up to 100% the speed when I upload it but eventually after 2500 uploads at 50% recording speed I will increase it to 75% recording speed and that should make my voice sound more normal after that I move on to 100% recording speed it will be 1,250 uploads at 75% of speed and 1,250 uploads at 100% to speed that will complete 5,000 uploads and increase my skill dramatically. this is real freestyle but at the same time it's kind of stupid to try to say I can prove it because you cannot read my mind you cannot see what I do behind closed doors if I wrote it before hand or not. but because I know in myself that freestyle allows me to improve in rhythm and style and just exploring melodies that I'm singing and rhythms and tones and vocal expressions etc, allows me to become a better artist. I don't expect that my improvisations are as good as my completed written songs that you can find on YouTube on my channel wolfrhymes entertainment. my completed songs are recorded at 100% the speed and they are rehearsed over and over and I recorded in pieces the only time I memorize my songs is if I'm going to perform my music and that could take up to a couple of days to a week to master one song but even then I'd say seven or eight out of 10 songs performed maybe two would be flops but I'm just human I'm not no fkn drug addict addicted to all the drugs in Hollywood allowing demons to write all my creative works and taking all the credit as if I wrote it that buslldhit belongs to all the idols of Hollywood like Eminem and his whole fkn fggt stinking empire of shit. it's true with Trump said winners do not do drugs I have a tobacco habit that I am quitting but even though it's not easy I know that the Lord if I do as he says he will leave me to redemption amen. I'm not a perfect Christian but my main morals and principles align with Revelation I don't like fornicators that are boastful Rich Hollywood celebrities that are pompous they like to stomp on everyone else like Eminem I don't like scum of the earth like drug cartels drug dealers thugs that hate the cops for no reason etc etc go to hell you scum

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