🎙️Repent or Die Podcast | Is Being Black and Woke Making You an Extremist? 🤔 Let's Dive In!"

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Welcome back to another episode of the Repent or Die Podcast! In today's intense and thought-provoking discussion, we tackle a burning question: Does being Black and woke automatically make you an extremist? 🔥 Join us as we navigate the intricate landscapes of identity, activism, and societal perceptions.

🤔 Key Talking Points:

Decoding "Woke": Unravel the layers of woke culture within the Black community and explore its implications.
Walking the Tightrope: Is there a balance between staying passionately aware and crossing into extremism?
Media's Role: Discuss how media narratives shape the image of Black activists and the challenges they face.
Real Voices: Hear personal stories from individuals who have grappled with the complexities of being both woke and navigating societal expectations.
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We want to hear from you! Drop your thoughts in the comments below. Do you think being Black and woke automatically associates someone with extremism? Share your experiences and perspectives as we engage in a respectful and enlightening conversation.

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