Matt Walsh Obtained This Video From An FAA Meeting, And Enjoy Your Next Flight! (Yikes)

7 months ago

Late last year it was reported that there's been a "surge in close calls" at American airports. That's been punctuated more recently by other frightening events: The nation’s top accident investigator said Thursday that a surge in close calls between planes at U.S. airports this year is a “clear warning sign” that the aviation system is under stress. “While these events are incredibly rare, our safety system is showing clear signs of strain that we cannot ignore,” Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, told a Senate panel on Thursday. Homendy warned that air traffic and staffing shortages have surged since the pandemic. She said there has been a “lack of meaningful” training — and more reliance on computer-based instruction — by the Federal Aviation Administration and airlines, and too many irregular work schedules among pilots and air traffic controllers.

Perhaps the "close calls" could be lessened if there was a bit more focus from the FAA and airlines on what matters, which is safe travel, no missing bolts, proper airplane separation, and all that kind of "avoiding crashes" stuff. Instead, the lack of priorities becomes clearer by the day. Matt Walsh has a thread about a video he obtained showing what part of the FAA's focus is on, and the "priorities" could get people killed: Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog: “I've obtained internal footage of senior officials at the FAA's Flight Program Operations division — which is responsible for all aspects of aircraft operations — workshopping a plan to reduce the number of white males in aviation. 🧵 The footage begins with FAA acting deputy chief operating officer Angela McCullough saying more workers need to go from "ramp to cockpit," meaning she wants to see more baggage handlers become airline pilots.

As the meeting goes on, McCullough declares that it's important to "get a little uncomfortable." She complains that Flight Operations is "white-male dominated" and tells the managers they need to “talk about what the future could look like." In response, David ‘Wil’ Riggins, the FAA’s Vice President of Flight Program Operations, says, "That's great, honestly. Those are some words that we really need to spend some time digging through and thinking about." This footage, which is from April of 2022, is a sign of a much larger problem. Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard from several members of the aviation industry who tell me that DEI is endangering the public and distracting them from their work. A second source — a pilot I’ve confirmed works at Delta — tells me that Delta has recently promoted a trans-identifying pilot who repeatedly received bad reviews from captains. According to the source, this pilot “would likely not have” survived probation if he weren’t trans.

The source also notes that Delta routinely makes exceptions for trans-identifying pilots concerning grooming and behavioral standards. Internally, Delta has even published a lengthy guide for pilots who believe they were born in the wrong body. This industry-wide embrace of overt mental illness afflicts every aspect of aviation. Another source told me that his job is to design advanced military systems, but he’s constantly side-tracked by DEI proposals like “gender inclusive seatbelts.” everal sources have also sent me documentation about one of the FAA's largest programs, called "eFast," which prioritizes "Indian Tribal Owned corporations” and “Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses” for billions of dollars in critical grant funding. The FAA’s Master Order Agreement for eFAST states that certain FAA contracts for dollar amounts between $10,000 and $150,000 are “automatically reserved exclusively” for “Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses.”

It's only a matter of time until this combination of incompetence and anti-white discrimination leads to a major air disaster. The aviation industry needs a completely new mandate — one that's focused solely on safety — before a lot of people die.”

• More at: Twitchy - Matt Walsh Obtained This Video From an FAA Meeting, and Enjoy Your Next Flight! (YIKES)

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