New 07/02/2024 DNA changes. By Judith Kusel — EraOfLight —

1 year ago

DNA Changes
Posted on 02/07/2024 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply

We are in midst of huge changes in our DNA at all cellular levels as our new Solar Light bodies are getting higher and higher frequency activations from the solar sun and 12 Central suns.

The astral realms are being cleared at very deep and profound levels and this includes all programming of the ancestral coding in our DNA.

I went through this experience in the last few days, as an old family disease suddenly cropped up in me. As I went through the treatment and recalibeated, cleansed, cleared all my bodies and fields, as well as asked for deep releasing at cellular levels, as well as DNA levels, with the Arcturans, etc. I became aware of my ancestral lines from my father’s side of my family.

Suddenly my whole ancestral lines popped up and here a deep clearing occurred even into the astral realms by the White Flame I work with constantly. Something huge was released and I was told that all is cleared, ancestral as well as those they interacted with.

Then I was shown how, as our conscious rises, the old DNA is removed and the new 12 and 24 strands of DNA is replacing the old!

Not only has, by Divine decree on the 5th July 2020 all karma been dissolved but now our DNA is co-created anew and all genetic and ancestral programming removed.

This means we are now a totally new creation on multiple levels as the super fast forward buttons are being pushed on all levels.

We are freed!

Note that DNA is conscious and it determines our very exsistence in ways we will now become aware of, as we grow in soul consciousness.

What an amazing time we are living in, and indeed to experience this is a Divine gift of supernal Love.

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