how is algorithm life treating you

1 year ago

refridgerator door swung wide open...CLASSIC ag habits
it's very strange being up during the day time
forgotten smoothie...oooooh ginger
bear w/ me...kidding no attention span
i'm so friggin cute
i make music cos it's fun not to impress everyone
the internet is not fun
i love my liberty, that's why i still have a flip phone
you don't have to defend anything if you're right
me n ke$ha went to high school together
the man in my head said that it's ginger so it's ginger
everything wrong w/ this world is due to conformity
i am not a capitalist all cos i believe in working
make demands on yourself not the world
hopefully once the control arm is replaced it will be driveable
smartphone technology is bad, can't stress it enough
stop lying, things are not better
liars go to hell so...

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