In Living Color 1990 Premiere Pays The Hellywood Fiddler! Katt Williams. Jim Carrey.

2 months ago

The Hellywood entertainment complex, which includes sports, politics, & the music industry, is the CIA! They are the same thing, designed to create behaviour & thought. It's mind control programming, Folks, plain & simple. Sketch comedy programming is arguably the Rothschild Zio Cabal's most effective mind control genre, under the Hellywood Industrial Complex Umbrella. Saturday Night Live is pure & utter poison, & so are shows like Mad TV, Kids in the Hall, & of course In Living Color! The recent Katt Williams explosive interview with Shannon Sharpe revealed a lot of what I have been writing about for over a decade. Shows like In Living Color push the LGTBQ Gender Bender Agenda to unprecedented levels that seem impossible, yet the sleeping masses cheer it on. The clips you are about to see are 35 years old. The LGTBQ Rainbow debuted around 1970, which leads us to today where public government education is actually grooming young children to be gay, & sadly they are succeeding in turning an entire generation gay, or to be anything other than what is natural Godly & divine. If you want to go further down this particular rabbit hole. Please check out my LGTBQ-GBA playlist at HumanWrites on Bitchute, and now here are some of the lowlights from the premiere episode of In Living Color which originally aired in 1990. We live on a flat, motionless, stationary, self regulating, self replenishing, & self healing plane. Racism has always been a psyop, as has your entire reality. Staged hoaxes, false flags, & staged events are tools of the brainwashing trade.

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