KJP Says Layoffs Are Happening Now Because Biden Saved An Economy That Was In A Tailspin

3 months ago

Ever since Joe Biden took office and in the subsequent three-plus years we've been asked to believe the White House's claims about the economic utopia that "Bidenomics" has brought about instead of our lying eyes, ears, bank accounts, mortgage rates and credit card statements (add in the open border and this administration has been nothing short of a dumpster fire). The White House says the economy is "booming," but it depends on what your definition of the word "booming" is: A slew of companies across the tech, media, finance and retail industries made significant cuts to staff in 2023. Major tech players like Google and Meta, finance giants like Goldman Sachs, and manufacturers like Dow all announced layoffs. https://archive.ph/o/UITAk/https://www.businessinsider.com/layoffs-sweeping-the-us-these-are-the-companies-making-cuts-2023

And the forecast for next year is already looking grim. Thirty eight percent of business leaders surveyed by ResumeBuilder think layoffs are likely in 2024, and around half say their company will implement a hiring freeze. ResumeBuilder talked to around 900 leaders at organizations with more than 10 employees. https://archive.ph/o/UITAk/https://www.resumebuilder.com/4-in-10-companies-anticipate-layoffs-in-2024/ -- Half of those surveyed cited concerns about a recession as a reason. https://archive.ph/o/UITAk/https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-outlook-2024-recession-fed-interest-rate-cuts-ubs-2023-11 -- According to serial liar and Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, this is the result of Biden entering office when the economy was in a "tailspin" and then turning it around. All hail "Bidenomics"!

Karine Jean-Pierre on recent layoffs at UPS, Macy's, Amazon, Google, Citi, Blackstone: "When the president walked into this administration, the economy was in tailspin. He had to turn that around." -- So, as we've also seen with Biden's intentional border disaster, everything bad that's happened for the last three years is now the fault of Donald Trump. What an absolute clown show. So it got worse since the layoffs are occurring 3 years later? Trump works in mysterious ways! This is not unlike how this bunch kept claiming the border was secure for three years and suddenly turned on a dime when the lie was no longer sustainable and saying it's a disaster, but only because of Trump and the Republicans. Like I always say, November can't get here fast enough. She is a joke. A joke, just not the "ha ha" kind.

Business Insider: The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from UPS to Google and Microsoft

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