
11 months ago

What are the benefits of Fulvic Acid?

For some years, Fulvic Acid's benefits have gone unnoticed as a potential supplement. Recent research though has uncovered a number of potential benefits, which I am going to outline below.

Fulvic Acid is termed a Super Cell Conductor – it has the vital capability of realising the potential of all nutrients we consume. When minerals and trace elements from food come into contact with it, they are dissolved into a form that makes them more active and more available to the body. These minerals fuse with it and because of its molecular size, it has the ability to take these nutrients directly to all the cells of our bodies. Additionally, this compound makes the cells more permeable and receptive to these nutrients. Essentially, Fulvic Acid mobilizes food to become our medicine.

A mineral-rich tide flows continuously through all parts of the body in the form of water, the universal solvent that nourishes as well as carries waste away. Our DNA within cells receive instructions through angstrom sized (1/1000 micron) bio-available minerals. These miniscule minerals are pulled through the cell walls by hydrogen present in water. Most mineral supplements are larger than this size and although they can be transported in the bloodstream, they cannot be accessed by the cells. It is Fulvic Acid that carries these minerals into the cells and additionally makes the cells more permeable allowing these minerals to penetrate into the cells where they are utilised for a multitude of processes. Minerals are very important. Dr Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes stated:

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment, ultimately to a mineral deficiency“.

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