1920 Lunch Menu: Orange Bread, Vegetable Soup, Roast Pork...

1 year ago

1920 Lunch Menu
Mrs. Wilsons New Cook Book
Mrs. W. H. (Betty Lyles) Wilson

Orange Bread
Vegetable Soup
Pineapple and Sweet Potatoes
Roast Leg of Pork
Strawberry Jam Cake

Orange Bread
½ yeast cake
½ cup lukewarm water
2 eggs well beaten
2 tbs melted butter
2 tbs fat
1 tsp salt
3 tbs sugar
Grated rind of 3 oranges
1 cup of orange juice
4 light cups flour
Dissolve yeast in the warm water and beat this with other ingredients, thoroughly together. After this is done add the flour and knead until elastic. Cover, allow to rise and make into loaves. Let the loaves rise and bake in hot oven.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Vegetable Soup
1 qt stock
1 cup tomatoes
½ cup Irish potatoes
½ cup celery
1 onion
½ cup rice
4 pods okra
1 cup cabbage
1 carrot
Chop all vegetables together. Ad to heated stock and cook until well done. If you haven’t stock, cook one soup bone util tender and add water. This makes a meal with bread and butter and light dessert.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? No

Pineapple and Sweet Potatoes
1 can pineapple
4 sweet potatoes
½ cup sugar
Drain pineapple, cut in small pieces, cook potatoes and cut in pieces. Cook juice of pineapple with one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of flour until thick, adding one-half cup sugar, mix fruit and potatoes in baking dish and pour over this the syrup. Run in stove to season and brown.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I had only fresh pineapple. I combined the pineapple and sweet potatoes in a baking dish and cooked in the oven. Everybody liked the combination.

Roast Leg of Pork
1 leg pork
2 tsp salt
2 tbs vinegar
1 tbs butter or olive oil
½ tsp cayenne
2 tbs ground sage
Rub pork with vinegar, salt, pepper and sage. Wrap pork in linen cloth, dipped in vinegar, let stand several hours, keeping the cloth damp. Rub with oil and flour, then roast, allowing twenty-five minutes to the pound.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Strawberry Jam Cake
3 eggs
¾ cup butter
¾ cup jam
1/3 cup buttermilk
2 ½ cups flour
1 tsp soda
1 tsp cinnamon
Cream the butter and half of sugar. Color pin with color paste. Beat yolks light with the other half cup sugar; add to butter and sugar. Put soda in milk; add with a little flour, and then the whites and rest of flour, then cinnamon. Lastly fold in the jam. Bake in layers or one sheet. Cover with white or green icing and makr in squares. Put a fresh strawberry on each square if in season.
Did we eat it? Some of it.
Would I make it again? No

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