1909 Dinner Menu: Artichoke Salad, Beet Fritters, Fish a la Lee....

1 year ago

1909 Dinner Menu
Good Housekeeping Family Cook Book

Artichoke Salad
Carrots au Jus
Beet Fritters a la Dickens
Fish a la Lee
Date and Apple Pie

Artichoke Salad
4 artichoke hearts
1 hard cooked egg
5-6 sweet pickles
Prepare artichokes as for a vegetable. Strip off the outside leaves, saving some of the best for garnishing. Lay the hearts in a chopping bowl and chop fine. For every four hearts add one hardcooked egg, which is also chopped, and five or six sweet cucumber pickles, according to size and taste, with salt and a little paprika. Add a tablespoon of thick mayonnaise dressing for each heart and mix well. Put this in the salad bowl and spread mayonnaise dressing thickly over the top. Garnish with the artichoke leaves.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Probably not. If I did, I would replace the egg with potatoes or something other than hardboiled eggs.

Beet Fritters a la Dickens
Yolk of 1 egg
1 tbs oil or melted butter
4 tbs flour
1 whipped white
Salt and pepper
Cut beets, after boiling, into slices an eighth of an inch thick; mince a few mushrooms with one-eighth their bulk in onions; press between two slices of beet and dip in a batter made by beating the yolk of an egg, adding a tablespoon of oil or melted butter, four of flour, and lastly the whipped white, with salt and pepper to taste; fry these fritters in very hot fat.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I Make them again? Probably not but there were others that liked them a lot.
Note: I couldn’t figure out how they made these. I tried putting the onion between the beet slices, dipping in batter, and frying but it did not work out for me. In the end, I chopped the beets and added them to the mushrooms and onions. Then I added the batter and fried them.

Carrots au Jus
1 quart sliced carrots
¼ cup chopped onion
1 cup rich brown gravy or sauce
1 tsp parsley
Simmer in boiling salted water one quart of sliced winter carrots. Slowly cook a quarter of a cup of chopped onion in hot butter; when tender add a cup of rich brown gravy or sauce, one teaspoon of chopped parsley and the drained carrots, and simmer for fifteen minutes.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Fish a la Lee
1 blue fish
¼ cup butter
2 egg yolks
2 tbs onion
2 tbs capers
2 tbs pickles
2 tbs parsley
3 tbs lemon juice
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
Split and bone a bluefish and place on a well-buttered sheet. Cream one-quarter cup butter, add two egg yolks and stir until well blended, then add two tablespoons each of onion, capers, pickles and parsley, finely chopped, three tablespoons lemon juice, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-quarter teaspoon pepper. Sprinkle fish with salt, spread with mixture and bake in a hot oven.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Date and Apple Pie
Pie Crust
1 tsp cinnamon
½ cup sugar
Line a pie plate with a rather rich crust, fill it with a mixture of chopped dates and apples, sprinkle over all a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a cup of sugar, cover with a top crust, and bake about half an hour in a good oven. Serve hot or cold with or without cream and sugar.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I would use less dates next time and less sugar.

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