1909 Dinner Menu: Celery Rolls, Stuffed Squash, Haddock a la Creole....

5 months ago

1909 Dinner Menu
Good Housekeeping Family Cook Book

Celery Rolls
Potato Custard
Stuffed Squash
Haddock a la Creole
Polish Tarts

Celery Rolls
Celery Rolls
6 rolls
1 pint celery
1 tsp salt
1 saltspoon pepper
1 tbs grated onion
2 tbs tomato ketchup
4 tbs olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
Select six rolls, cut from the top a round piece the size of a silver dollar, and scoop out the soft part; when ready to serve, fill with the following mixture: Chop very fine sufficient celery to make a pint. Dust over a teaspoon of salt, a saltspoon of pepper, a tablespoon of grated onion, two tablespoons of tomato ketchup, four tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Serve very cold. The filling may be varied by the addition of a little cold chicken cut in dice, or some finely minced boiled tongue.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes

Potato Custard
6 large potatoes
2 well beaten eggs
1 cup hot milk
A little sugar
Dash of nutmeg
Boil and mash six large white potatoes; add two well beaten eggs, butter, pepper, salt and one cup of hot milk; beat until very smooth and light; add a little sugar and a dash of nutmeg. Lightly fill greased custard cups and bake a delicate brown.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Probably not.

Stuffed Squash
5 small squashes
1 pint diced stale bread
2 tbs butter
1 tsp minced onion
2 hard cooked eggs
½ cup nutmeats
2 tbs grated cheese
½ tsp salt
Dusting of paprika
2 beaten egg yolks
Those who are in the way of procuring the small average-sized squashes (known popularly as “individual” squashes) will find the following a palatable luncheon dish or entre. Parboil the squashes for fifteen minutes, drain, cut off a small portion of the top and remove the seeds, fill with a forcemeat, replace the covers and bake in a moderate oven an hour. To make forcemeat for five squashes brown a pint of diced stale bread in two tablespoons of butter and fry crispy brown. After cooling add a teaspoon of minced onion, two hard cooked eggs chopped fine, half a cup of blanched chopped nutmeats, two tablespoons of grated cheese, half a teaspoon of salt, a dusting of paprika and two beaten egg yolks Mix well together slight crushing the bread cubes.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: Everyone really liked this. When making the forcemeat I left out the hard-boiled eggs and only used 2 raw eggs to bind. I used pine nuts as the nutmeats.

Haddock a la Creole
1 filleted Haddock
1 quart strained tomatoes
2 slices onion
2 or 3 cloves
¼ cup flour
¼ cup butter
Salt and pepper
Place a filleted haddock on the rack in the meat pan. Make a thin tomato sauce of one quart of strained tomatoes, two slices of onion, two or three cloves, one-quarter cup each of flour and butter season well with salt and pepper and pour half of it over the fish. Cook an hour in a moderate oven, basting it three or four times. When done, remove to the serving dish and pour over it the remaining tomato sauce.
Did we eat it? Most of it
Would I make it again? Probably not.

Polish Tarts
White of an egg
Cut the paste into two and a half inch squares, brush with the white of an egg, fold the comers to meet in the center, press slightly together and bake. When done put a bit of jelly or fruit cream in the center. Or fold only the two opposite corners together, bake and with the fruit cream.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes
Note: I misread the instructions. I put the jelly in the center and then folded the sides in.

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