NEW BLOCKBUSTER! MAGA strikes back in "Hunting Biden" - Released February 7, 2024

1 year ago

Lt. Bud "Red Dog" Meyers (USN) was called out of his cozy early retirement to help the former President of the United States to correct a wrong — a stolen election — and to take back their country from the authoritarian Marxist-Democrats and restore democracy to the Republic of America. (See Secret Service disclaimer at the end of this video description..)

Starring: #BudMeyers #DonaldTrump #LaurenBoebert and JoeBiden.


Lt. Meyers was "Forged by the Sea" over the desert skies of Fallon, Nevada. He and his all-female team of Naval aviators are sent on a special mission by the 45th President to track down a Mauritanian Candidate (who was installed by 51 spies who lied) and has been acting as the 46th POTUS since January 20, 2021.

Meyers and his team have been assigned a mission to overturn the 2020 election once and for all, because an earlier insurrection at the Capital building (instigated by the FBI) had failed, and the Supreme Court refused to hear any cases related to election fraud after a couple of SCOTUS Justices had been threatened on the steps of the court by the Senate Majority leader, Senator Chuck Schumer.

So after an FBI raid and search warrant on the 45th President's home, four indictments and one mug-shot later, the elite team of brave "America First" patriots colluded to take back the White House for the true leader of America, the Honorable Mister Donald J. Trump — the 45th, 46th, and soon-to-be, 47th President of the United States of America.

Will the Navy rebels' mission succeed? Or will more political prisoners end up in solitary confinement in the same D.C. jail with all the other insurrectionists? Watch this trailer for "Hunting Biden" to see what America is up against after the 2024 presidential election. It's freedom vs. tyranny. It's good vs. evil. Will freedom and good prevail?

Who else will carry the day if good men and women do nothing? Non sibi sed patriae.

The sky is not the limit, it's just the beginning.


The FBI is a cabal of bad actors, who are part of the deep state, doing dirty deeds with cruel intentions with total impunity and always without accountability.

Under all the FBI directors under Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden (namely, Louis Freeh, Robert Mueller, James Comey and Chris Wray), from 1993 to today, how many innocent Americans were maliciously prosecuted, deliberately framed and wrongfully sent to prison? How many more had their lives ruined, either emotionally and or financially? How many lives were NOT saved in Oklahoma City, Waco, the Boston Marathon, 911 plus a long list of other unsolved domestic acts of terrorism? How many rapes were prevented on Team USA girls gymnastics? How many pedophiles did the FBI arrest before Jeffery Epstein was strangled to death in has jail cell? How many people did the FBI murder?

Now that the Republicans helped the Democrats renew FISA, how many terrorists will the the FBI catch from Joe Biden's 10 million new migrants? Will it be LESS or MORE than the January 6 trespassers? FISA warrants were used by the FBI hundreds of thousands of times for personal and political reasons, and when they were caught, they apologized and congress renewed FISA for them. The American people didn't give the FBI this much power and authority to ruin their lives, their representatives in congress gave this so-called law enforcement agency, rogue and out-of-control federal government agency, the immunity to walk all over our constitution and bill of rights. And then they rewarded them by funding a brand new massive FBI headquarters that will be bigger than the Pentagon.

The FBI needs to be phased out and a new agency built from the ground up needs to be established. The current FBI was built on the foundation of a corrupt blackmailer, Mister Hoover.

Secret Service disclaimer:

This video is for entertainment only. There are no implied threats to anyone. It is totally satire for political free speech. So don't be knocking on my door unless President Donald J. Trump sends you. Thanks!

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