1910 Dinner Menu: Dutch Casserole, Turnip Cups, Pineapple Pie...

5 months ago

1910 Sunshine
Sunshine Cook Book
Mrs. Jennie E. Underhill

Huckleberry Gems
Cucumber and Con Salad
Dutch Casserole
Peas in Turnip cups
Fried Eggplant
Pineapple Pie
Purple Punch

Butter size of egg
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tsp cream tartar
½ tsp soda
2 scant cups flour
1 large cup berries
Bake in gem pans.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes

Equal parts of cold cooked green corn and cucumbers, sliced or cut in small pieces, and served with mayonnaise.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

2 tbs butter
2 tbs flour
1 cup milk
¼ tsp salt
Steam small, white turnips, hollow out the centers, cut the edges in points, fill with peas that have been heated in a sauce made of 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cooked smooth.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? The combo of peas and turnips yes. But I wouldn’t bother with the cups and would just use butter and not a white sauce.

1 large egg-plant,
2 eggs,
1 pt. crumbs,
Salt and pepper.
Cut the plant in slices one-third of an inch thick. Pare these and cover with boiling water to which 1 tablespoon of salt for every quart of water has been added. Let stand one hour. Drain and slightly pepper the slices. Dip in the beaten egg and cracker crumbs (or in batter made of egg, flour and milk), and fry in boiling fat for eight or ten minutes. The slices will be soft and moist when done.
Did we eat it? Most of it.
Would I make it again? Probably not.

1 lbs round steak, cut in pieces
1 can peas
½ carrot, cut in cubes
1 onion sliced
¼ cup pearl tapioca
1½ cups cold water
½ can tomatoes
4 cloves
¼ cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper
Cook in casserole three or four hours.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

1 cup chopped pineapple,
1 cup sugar,
½ cup cream,
The yolks of 2 eggs,
1 tablespoonful butter,
1 tablespoon cornstarch.
Cook all together before putting into the crust, when done frost with the whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth with a tablespoon of sugar. Return to the oven and deli- cately brown.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

3 oranges
3 lemons
3½ quarts water
½ cup freshly made tea
1 cup grape juice
1 cup grated pineapple
2 cups sugar
Cook grated pineapple with 1 pt. water for fifteen minutes, strain through cheesecloth, add 1 pt. of water and 2 cups of sugar which have been boiled ten minutes, ½ cup of tea, juice of lemons, oranges and grape juice, and 3½ qts. water. Put in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Serve chilled in sherbet glasses.
Did we drink it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I used only a half cup of sugar.

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