KingCobraJFS Feb 6, 2024 "chillin" *STREAM*

1 year ago

On this day, King Cobra JFS addresses various topics during a live stream. He updates viewers about his relationship with Jessica, mentioning that they have made up and are not mad at each other, and that Jessica plans to visit him, though he does not specify when for privacy reasons. Cobra also talks about enabling Super Chats again after they were mistakenly turned off and interacts with his viewers by responding to their donations and comments. He expresses his views on gender relations, racism, and offers tributes to Toby Keith, a country singer who recently passed away. Throughout the video, Cobra deals with trolls, reinforces that he and Jessica haven't officially started dating yet, and emphasizes his disdain for his detractors and their attempts to provoke him.

King Cobra received a total of $114.97 in donations during the live stream.
Support the channel and buy a shirt, trole.



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