When the Body Mistakenly Attacks Itself // Pastor Vlad

1 year ago

When the Body Mistakenly Attacks Itself (Spiritual Autoimmune Disease) // Pastor Vlad

Get sermon notes in PDF: https://hungrygen.com/autoimmunedisease/

1. Christians must develop critical thinking, not a critical spirit.
2. Jesus promised that His followers would be falsely accused. (Mt 5vs11-12)
3. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and Jesus declares God’s name to His brethren (Heb 2vs12; Rev 12vs10-11)
4. The body of Christ is prone to an autoimmune disease. (Rom 14vs19; 1 Cor 1vs10; Eph 4vs2-3; Phil 2vs2-3)
5. The family of God must fight but not each other.
6. God can do His perfect work through imperfect people. (Rom 11vs29)
7. Men of God are like gloves. They can rip, but the work of God continues.
8. For every famous pastor who falls into sin, there are thousands of faithful pastors who don’t.
9. Disagreeing on minor things doesn’t make one a false teacher.
10. Pay attention to what you give attention to. (Mark 4vs24)


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