CCP Is Our Existential Threat

11 months ago

02/05/2024 Nicole on GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW: Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, says that the CCP poses a great threat to our existence, that hackers from the CCP have access to all of our infrastructure including water plants, power grids, nuclear power plants, etc. Nicole says in addition to open borders and the presence of Chinese military personnel on the southern border, the CCP is the leader of the new Axis of Evil. America needs to stop engaging the CCP and decouple the CCP completely.
02/05/2024 妮可做客GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW:联邦调查局的局长克里斯托弗·雷表示,中共国对我们的生存构成巨大威胁, 中共的黑客可以访问美国所有的基础设施,包括水厂、电网、核电站等。妮可表示,除了开放的边界和中共军龄男子出现在南部边境之外,中共还是新邪恶轴心国的领导者。美国应停止与中共打交道,并彻底与中共脱钩。

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