Is Zelensky Blackmailing Obiden?? | Rudy Giuliani and Roseanne Barr

7 months ago

Rudy Giuliani suggests that "Saint Zelensky" is blackmailing Joe Biden because he has bank account numbers and files on him that no one else does:

"Zelensky's mentor was the biggest money launderer in Ukraine. Zelensky knows the whole story. He knows a lot that I don't know. I can give you half the documents. He's got the whole file. Which means, if he says Joe I need 60 bill: Joe says, Yes sir...
Joe I need another 20 bill..

You want to see the other pictures of Hunter?

What about the foreign bank accounts. Joe you know we put a lot of money in foreign bank accounts for you?

But I have the bank accounts numbers. What do you think would happen if we started opening those bank accounts. You better give me the 60 bill..."

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