Having a Moby Dick Moment in Pokémon Silver (Part 23)

1 year ago

In this episode, I decide to check out that Lake of Rage that everyone has been talking about, and you wouldn't believe what I found. A red Gyarados! I surf my way up there to see what he's up to, and Red Gyarados is absolutely TO'd, so he tries to tear my pokémon a new one. Now I could just kill him and be on my merry way, but I want this strange occurrence in my collection. 2 rock throws, a thunder wave, an ultra/hyper ball, and way too many great/super balls later, the Crimson Commander is mine. He drops a scale that I stuff in my bag, and I leave the lake. Champion Lance shows up after the battle and explains that team rocket is trying to prematurely evolve gyarados to sell for a profit. I now have to put a stop to this as soon as possible, maybe even strengthening my bond with Champion Lance along the way.

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