DCC presents DULY - A Homo Retardis in Nature Documentary

1 year ago

Comedy channel with spoof documentaries.

Video about DULY.
*edited version without the minstrel show part (someone I respect asked me to take it out).

This is a video about a new type of human found today amongst us:
Homo retardis /ˌhəʊməʊ ɹɪˈtɑrdis/ noun

Devolution of the primate species to which modern humans belong;
Humans who are regarded as “retards”.
A branch of the Homo Sapiens species which bypasses intellect
embracing electronic or artificial intelligence, emulates or uses plagiarism of successful humans to camouflage its lack of talent;
A human being unable to perceive its own poor image relying only by the
perception of other “retards” or concealing itself in a popular group.

Sincere, Honest, Intelligent, Brave, Humorous

Influencer, Celebrity, Grifter, Shill, Poser, Asswipe

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